Cheshire East
Safeguarding Adults Board

People talking

Cheshire East Safeguarding Adults Board

Keep up to date with our news and events.

Cheshire East Safeguarding Adults Board training courses

Debbie Waterhouse is the Safeguarding Adults Board Training Officer.

The Board are pleased to continue to offer, free of charge, a level 1 Safeguarding Awarness training (takes approx. 1hr 30mins) session to all care providers, third sector parties and those working with adults at risk across Cheshire East.

We are also offering Care Concern Training to all care providers; again, this is free of charge, delivered monthly, via Teams.

To register your interest in either of these trainings, please contact Debbie on the email address below.

Learning and resources

View a list of external learning and resources websites which may help to provide you with additional information on different aspects of safeguarding to assist professionals and ensure practice is effective.

Stop Adult Abuse: Cheshire East Service User's spoken words

The Service User Sub-group of the Cheshire East Safeguarding Adults Board created this spoken word video working with the Axis Arts Centre at Crewe Campus, Manchester Metropolitan University.

The spoken words focus on the service users own life experiences and sends a powerful message to Stop Adult Abuse.